I know that many of you have been wanting to offer your assistance and volunteer during this time of need. Please see below for volunteering opportunities:
Ready Scotland:
Today, a new ‘Scotland Cares’ campaign has been launched to encourage people to sign-up to support our local communities and public services, including the NHS.
Please visit the Ready Scotland website https://www.readyscotland.org/coronavirus/volunteering where you will find more information on the ways you can support your community and the organisations to register an interest with, such as Volunteer Scotland and the Red Cross.
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland:
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland are looking for volunteers to help people who are most at risk in our communities.
They have 4 roles available:
•Kindness Caller – to provide regular ‘kindness’ calls and a check-in service for people who are worried, scared or lonely because of self-isolation.
•Community Kindness Supporter – to help with deliveries of shopping and essentials to people in need.
•Kindness Driver – undertaken in line with Government guidelines.
•Digital Kindness Supporter – to share health messages far and wide.
If you would like to volunteer please visit https://www.chss.org.uk/coronav…/volunteering-opportunities/ to sign up.
There are also a variety of Facebook Groups which have formed to provide support and assistance to local communities. Please click here to find your local group. If you are aware of any other community organisations, please get in contact with my office.
If you are a business who can offer support please contact [email protected].
To volunteer safely, please make sure that you check the latest advice at www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus.