In partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS), we celebrated Scottish Apprenticeship Week from 2-6 of March. Apprenticeships allow someone to utilise what they have learned at school or university by working with colleagues on real projects while working towards a qualification on the job.
In the spirit of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, I visited Entier in Westhill. One of Entier’s key strategic objectives is to continue to provide their employees with the highest standard of training and development to maintain exemplary retention rates. As part of this strategy, they have created a credible talent pipeline through their ‘Fresh Olive’ Apprenticeship Programme.
It was clear from all the apprentices that I had the pleasure to speak with that their passion and commitment to Entier does not change, whether they have been at the company for a couple of months or even six years.
Companies like Entier continue to showcase that you do not have to go straight from school to university to work in technical, highly sought-after jobs.