Aboyne Medical Practice (covers Tarland) – 0345 3379955
The surgery is trying to reduce footfall to keep it a clean and safe environment for those in need.
Appointments are being triaged. Please phone regarding an appointment. If you have symptoms of a cold, please stay at home and follow government guidelines. If your symptoms worsen, either phone the surgery or NHS 111.
Ballater Medical Centre – 013397 55686
The surgery is trying to reduce footfall to keep it a clean and safe environment for those in need. Please phone regarding appointments, do not drop into the surgery. If you have cold symptoms please stay at home and follow government guidelines. If your symptoms worsen, either phone the surgery or NHS 111.
Davidson' Chemist, Aboyne (01339 886445), Ballater (013397 55409
Open hours are 09:00-17:30 weekdays and 09:00-17:00 on Saturdays.
Davidson's Pharmacy – Click and collect service is now available. See their website www.wdavidson.co.uk/your-shopping-list/ for more details.
If you have any symptoms, please do not go to the pharmacy. You are welcome to phone for advice if needed, and if any over the counter purchases are recommended someone can collect on your behalf. You can pay over the phone if needed. Most pharmacies are operating a maximum number of people in the shop policy (usually 1 or 2). You may also be asked to remain outside if you are collecting a prescription.
If you are collecting a prescription for someone else you will need to know their full name and address or date of birth.
Tarland Pharmacy & Coffee Shop (01339 881249)
DP Opticians (013397 56222 )
In line with NHS Grampian all opticians are currently closed for routine sight tests. There is however provision for eye problems or emergencies as phones are being regularly monitored. Anyone with such an emergency should ring their optician to leave their name and number and a qualified Optometrist will call them back to give advice on treatment - and if necessary refer them to one of the Emergency Eye Treatment Centres set up around the county. This service is available 7 days a week and is designed to help the NHS.
Please do not contact your GP about eye problems and only phone 111 if you have symptoms of Coronavirus.
Fountain Dental Group
The Scottish Government has instructed all dental surgeries to stop seeing patients to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. This means that until further notice they will have to cancel all the appointments that have currently been made. If you have a dental problem and would like some advice, please call the usual practice numbers. If your problem requires urgent treatment, they will be able to pass your details to the NHS Grampian Public Dental Service who will contact you to discuss the matter further and arrange an appointment if required. Please contact Banchory on 01330 822583
If you need a sick note due to coronavirus, don’t contact your GP or NHS 24. You can download an isolation note directly from NHS Inform here ➡️ https://bit.ly/isolation-note.
Hospital visiting reminder
Suspension of Hospital Visiting: NHS Grampian has taken the decision to suspend visiting times at all NHS Grampian hospitals. This also means that anyone attending an appointment must do so on their own, unless they require physical assistance.
No visiting allowed (except when patients are at the end of their life or if there is a clinical emergency) in the following hospitals: * Aberdeen Royal Infirmary * Royal Cornhill Hospital * Dr Gray's Hospital * Woodend Hospital * Aberdeenshire Community Hospitals * Moray Community Hospitals.
Restricted visiting will continue in: * Aberdeen Maternity Hospital & all community maternity units including Peterhead, Inverurie and Dr Gray’s: one birthing partner only.
Visitors who are unwell, or are self-isolating as someone in their household is unwell should not visit.
Visitors are asked to ensure they adhere to social distancing guidance and a 2 metre distance from other visitors, patients and staff.
No children allowed to visit.
To enable regular contact with families and friends, patients are encouraged to use personal Wi-Fi enabled devices to telephone and video call. Wi-Fi is now enabled on the Foresterhill Campus for patient use.
Please note, the NHS is seeking to maintain the national immunisation programme where safely and practically possible. Immunisations are one of the important medical reasons for leaving your home. If you are pregnant, you are strongly advised to attend an appointment to receive the whooping cough vaccine (from 16 weeks of pregnancy). Contact [email protected] for more information, or your own medical practice.
Key worker testing
There are three sites for health & social care staff – in Aberdeen (ARI), Huntly and Elgin. This testing is open to all Health and Social Care staff regardless of whether they are employed by NHS Grampian, HSCP, Local Authority, an NHS Grampian volunteer or private care provider, providing they are either symptomatic themselves or isolating due to the symptoms of their household contacts. All relevant information, including an updated FAQ, can be found at https://covid19.nhsgrampian.org/…/f…/staff-covid-19-testing/
There is also a testing site located at Aberdeen Airport, open to our other key workers (e.g. other local authority, Police, Fire Service) to access quick and efficient testing for COVID-19. This is not directly run by NHS Grampian and should not be accessed by health & social care staff.
Kings College just launched an app to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and identify at risk cases sooner by self-reporting your symptoms daily, even if you feel well. Download the app https://covid.joinzoe.com/.