The SNP pledge for 12 week waiting times are failing my constituents, and many other patients across the Grampians. It is time the SNP acknowledged that their lack of action is leaving patients in pain and took measures to ensure waiting times are reflective of their 12 week promise.
Hugh Falconer, from Sauchen, Aberdeenshire, has now received his appointment, after my office enquired on his behalf to NHS Grampian. Sadly, this course of action is becoming common practice for Mr Falconer – having sought my help previously for a similar issue regarding NHS waiting times. On this occasion, Mr Falconer also wrote to the First Minister for answers. No one should feel so aggrieved about the lack of health care or communication that they require political intervention.
It should not take 56 weeks to schedule an appointment for an elderly gentleman, leaving him in pain, for a procedure which has been regular throughout his adult life. This is unacceptable and sadly, this issue is not uncommon. The SNP must do more to accommodate the stress and pressure on our NHS. The SNP should prioritise ensuring waiting times are met and patients should feel supported and cared for.
The full story can be accessed here:………