On Monday, I went to visit the Oil and Gas Innovation Centre (OGIC) in Aberdeen. The OGIC brings top quality research and development expertise to the oil and gas industry’s innovation challenges. They are determined to provide quick solutions to problems and strongly support the development of new technologies.
On Tuesday, I attended the Stage 3: Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Bill. The amended Forestry and Land Management Bill was passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament. The Forestry Commission Scotland functions will be devolved to Scotland and delivered by two arm’s length agencies, preserving the expertise of the current Forestry Commission Scotland.
On Wednesday, I attended the Finance and Constitution committee meeting. The main topics of the meeting were the Budget (Scotland) Act 2017 Amendment Regulations 2018 Draft and the Scottish Landfill Tax (Standard Rate and Lower Rate) Order 2018. During the meeting I was able to ask questions on the reallocation of resources to housing, the £8 million going to sustainable wave energy and one on the landfill tax. I later attended the Stage 3: UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill. The ‘Continuity Bill’ is a ‘Wrecking Bill’ designed to complicate the EU withdrawal process. It is ill-thought-through and has the potential to not only undermine negotiations between the UK Government and the devolved administrations, but also imbalance the devolution settlement.
On Friday, I held a street surgery in Tarland. I appreciate my constituents allowing me to speak to them about their concerns and issues.