I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting a Litter Pick Up in Aboyne on Saturday, 25th August.
This has been organsied with the Rubbish Cl;ub, started by Thomas Truby, a local school boy who identified that we need to be doing more to keep our constituency clean!
The group will meet at at Aboyne Primary School car park at 9.45 for a 10.00am start. We will then disperse in groups, cleaning up rubbish in the local area until 12 noon, when we will meet back at the car park. All resources will be supplied.
I would like to see as many families as possible promoting recycling and making a conscious effort to clean up our community, as it is especially important that we teach our young people the importance of living in an eco-friendly and eco-conscious community.
I would appreciate as many people as possible getting involved, everyone is welcome.