Alexander Burnett today slammed the announcement by the Scottish Government that a commission would be set up to look into improving Broadband and infrastructure in rural Scotland, in the event of Yes vote in September. The SNP also blamed the UK Government for it' failure to improve connectivity and infrastructure in rural parts of the country. Commenting, Alexander, a businessman in Banchory himself, said "The businesses and farms in rural Scotland need action on internet connectivity now, not some vague promise of a commission in the future, which would only be set up if they won the referendum. As a businessman myself, I have been constantly frustrated by the lack of delivery so I know the frustration many in the area feel all too well."
Commenting on the SNP blaming the UK Government for failure to deliver high speed broadband throughout Scotland, Alexander continued, "Quite frankly I'm astonished at the audacity of the SNP in blaming the Westminster Government for slow action on roll out of superfast broadband. Responsibility for improving connectivity north of the border lies with the Scottish Government with their Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband programme. This is yet more bluster and hot air from a campaign out of ideas and running scared of recent opinion polls which show them on course to lose their pet project to break up Britain. These 'plans' announced today are unfortunately yet more of the same from the negative Yes campaign, high on fantasy, low on reality. The SNP are failing the people of rural Scotland."