Alexander Burnett has been selected by the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party as their candidate for Aberdeenshire West in next May’s Scottish Parliamentary Election.
Alexander, who represented the party in May’s General Election, said: “It is a great honour to have been selected.”
“The Scottish Conservatives are on the rise across the country and were the only party to take the fight to the SNP. This was reflected by our performance at the polls- increasing our votes across Scotland. This is in stark contrast to the Liberal Democrats and Labour who were all but wiped out. Labour have indeed shown their true colours in Aberdeenshire of late, in joining with the SNP in an unholy alliance on Aberdeenshire Council.’
Mr. Burnett, who beat incumbent Liberal Democrat MP Robert Smith to come second behind the SNP in the recent General Election- adding almost 4000 votes for the Conservative Party continued, ‘In Aberdeenshire West, there is only one real opposition to the SNP, only one party with the vision, ideas and, under Ruth Davidson, leadership to make a real difference for local people and I, alongside my colleagues across the North East Region, will be fighting hard to spread the conservative message in this part of the world.”
Aberdeenshire Conservative Chairman John Duncan said: “I am delighted to welcome Alexander back as a candidate for the Conservative Party.“He is one of the hardest campaigners I know and worked night and day in the General Election and I know he will do the same again in 2016.
“He is a local man, who has lived all his life in the constituency and has its best interests at his heart.
“I look forward to working with him in the months ahead.”