On Monday I held street surgeries in Kintore and Dunecht where I listened to constituents’ local concerns.
On Tuesday, I hosted a reception at Parliament for the Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEN). It was very interesting to learn about all the fantastic work that they do, including putting measures in place to withstand the impact of Storm Caroline which wreaked some havoc over the north-east at the end of last week!
On Wednesday, I attended my Finance and Constitution Committee meeting, after which, I attended Portfolio Questions to ask the Scottish Government what support is being given to those vulnerable in our society who are suffering from loneliness. I feel like this issue is especially prevalent given the time of year, and you can read the response to my question by clicking here.
In the evening, I attended the Woodland Trust Scotland’s 2017 Scottish Parliamentary Reception where the Tree of the Year of awards were being held! I had my fingers well and truly crossed for the Old Holly Bush at Castle Fraser!
On Thursday, during General Questions, I asked the Scottish Government what the impact has been on NHS Grampian’s patient service record of the figures from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre, which suggest that the board’s NRAC funding targets have not been met since 2009, leading to a £165.6 million discrepancy. I think that it is vital to ensure that the NHS in Scotland is protected, and it is sad that the SNP do not appear to be taking this seriously, as you can see by watching my contribution by clicking here.