Save North East Swimming Pools

Calling on the Scottish Government to provide Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City Councils ring fenced funding for swimming pools and leisure centres to reverse the cuts to swimming pools and leisure centres in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen.


  • The SNP Government have inflicted savage cuts on Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City Councils, resulting in public swimming pools and leisure centres across the North East being forced to either close or drastically reduce their operating hours.


  • This is despite there being a significant demand for the facilities and services offered at these swimming pools and leisure centres by local residents, groups and businesses.


  • The funding cuts to swimming pools and leisure centres by the Scottish Government are short sighted due to the important role these facilities have in promoting healthy living and tackling obesity, as well as the wider economic and social benefit these centres provide to local communities.


  • This petition calls on the Scottish Government to ring fence funding for swimming pools and leisure centres so that they remain open and as accessible as possible for the public to use.


Sign up below to tell the Scottish Government to properly fund our swimming pools and leisure centres.

Save North East Swimming Pools

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